Easy sailing into Monday morning. Early rise, coffee. Then out to the cottage to tend to one of the new shorts I’ve had languishing on my shelf. Feel like I’m getting back into the right headspace. That is, like I might finish another soon. Meanwhile, I’ve got the long piece staring at me, begging me to reinvest myself.
Weather cooled again today. Mercury got stuck somewhere in the early forties, and stayed there.
Spent the early afternoon at the gym. No walk with the wind blowing as it was, and no nap, either, despite the fact it seemed like a sterling idea.
Need to shoot for an early rise tomorrow. Get letters off to the boys. Punch away at the manuscripts. See if I can’t kickstart a new project or two.
Saw a painting on the Antiques Roadshow yesterday that reminded me of my mom. What a footprint that woman left behind. I’ll never stop missing her.