Intimations of immortality...

Thinking maybe Kit’s suffered another setback. Gave him his meds this morning, but not without a struggle and not without him coughing them back up. He’s slowed the past couple of days. Spent a lot more time napping. A lot less time purring.

Wrote most of the day but couldn’t quite wrap up the Philharmonic projects. I’m words away with both of them, but will probably have to wait until tomorrow to send them off to the client. Thought I might make some advances on at least one of the shorts this weekend. Guess I thought wrong.

There’s this dark cloud that’s been following me around a while. Nothing I can reason away, but nothing I can dismiss, either. Went out for nice stroll around the neighborhood this afternoon, and that helped. Maybe when I finish the project work I’ll find myself in a better place.

Looking forward to tomorrow, getting back to the gym. Meanwhile, I’ll keep my fingers crossed nobody dies.