Comings and goings...

Must be dragging around the last of the pneumonia bug. Can’t quite seem to make it through the day yet without lying down for a nap.

Was up early, but got to the writing later than usual owing to one thing and another. When I did find the keyboard, I muddled away most of the morning catching up on submissions, something I’d been promising myself I’d take care of long before Christmas. Anyway, files are updated. At least for the time being.

Have reached the point with the two new shorts that I find I’m writing in circles. Which means it’s time to put them down and move on to something else. The long piece is coming along, but I need to find a decent block of time to go after the next session. Maybe tomorrow.

Got notified by the ScreenCraft folks that my short “Desperado” has made it into the quarter finals of their Cinematic Short Story Writing Competition. A pleasant, and unexpected surprise. Semi-finalists will be announced in February. We’ll see how far the luck runs.

Learned that David Crosby died today. Or maybe it was last night, and the notice didn’t hit the airwaves until today. Beck, now Crosby. What a way to start the year. I can feel bits and pieces of my life breaking off and vanishing in the ether.