Cool morning. Felt a little like fall.
Up early to the keyboard, and beyond. Had some good luck with revisions, then headed off for an early workout at the gym. Been switching up my routine a bit—forewent the jump rope for a half an hour on the bike—but not sure I liked it as much as I wanted. Still lifted and hit the bag, so no complaints. Just looking to keep things fresh.
Spoke to my bro, Joe, about meeting up in Wyoming. He’s having maintenance issues with the Ford dealership over his truck, and may arrive a day (or two) later than expected. Won’t change my plans, but I hope he gets past his troubles without losing too many brain cells. Sounds as if he’s got a real mess on his hands.
Talked briefly with my buddy S this afternoon. Always the highlight of my day.
Still missing the boys, but there’s nothing to be done about it so I’ll leave it at that. New resolution: eyes forward.