A hodgepodge of doings...

Put in some good work on two stories this morning. Also sent the Outskirts collection off to Tin House.

Took a break mid-morning to clean the house. Wanted to get ahead of the mess the tile guys are gonna make come Monday. Upstairs shower’s been out of commission for over a month now. Hope we something resembling the end in the next two weeks.

Day started out cool, but heated up pretty quickly. Last I checked we’d broken eighty. Which means we’ve probably got another hot, smoky summer in store for us. May and June used to be mild here. Not anymore.

Yard’s coming on line. Everything’s greening up nicely, the flowers are finding their way into pots, and the lawn needs cutting already. Might pull out the mower tomorrow if the temps sink. If not might head to theater and catch a movie.

Pizza tonight.