Taking stock, moving forward...

It’s the day after the big storm and everything’s still in good order. Lost a few flowers, I fear, but no trees and nothing structural.

Got lucky, thanks to all the precautions we took.

Rewrote the opening of the long story I’ve been working on, and think I’ve got it on the right track now. The piece feels exceptionally dense compared to a lot of my stories, but it plays, I think, so I’m leaving it as is for the time being.

“Long Player” is ready to be sent out. Will give it one last look-through tomorrow.

“Woolgatherer” was accepted today by a new publication out of Great Britain.

Spent some time at the gym this afternoon, and took a short nap when I got back. Skies are overcast and drizzly. The perfect day to sit back and do nothing.

Tile guy comes back tomorrow (week seven). Says he’ll finish for sure, but we don’t believe it. I’m thinking we might have a chance to see the fixtures installed and the water back on by Thursday. The glass door won’t be up for at least another week, but if the rest of the shower is operational, we’ll be hanging a rod and curtain.