End of week epiphany...

Hoped to see the work in the shower stall finished today, but no luck. Near done, but still a day’s labor ahead before they get around to the floor. Still. One step closer.

Winds were still around today, but no where near what they’ve been. Weather forecast is for more of the same all the way into next week. No rain in sight, which is making the fires worse, and there’s nothing to be done but bear up under it.

Fire up in Teller County doubled overnight, spreading west into a rugged part of the mountains. Zero containment. I hope we get some rain up there or it’s going to be a long, smokey summer.

Downtown fire in the mobile home park on north Cascade was started by a cigarette. Woman who touched it off died in the blaze.

Got in a good hard workout this afternoon with Sol. Making progress with the rehabbed shoulder and bicep, and even the neck feels better.

Gonna start in painting the garage tomorrow, weather permitting. Not sure how far we’ll get once the prep’s finished, but hoping for a productive day and a good start. Need to get this beast in shape before the plants bloom all the way and complicate things.