On the grid, again...

Tech issues with Squarespace for two days. Guess I’m up and running again.

Big news. My story, “The Denunciation,” was released in yesterday’s Saturday Evening Post. Have gotten some nice feedback from readers. Hoping a few of them will pass their words along on the SEP comments section.

Bigger news. Young Jack’s birthday today. Eight years old. FaceTimed with him this morning, and he seemed to be enjoying his newly acquired status. Was wearing the Colorado ball cap we sent. Later, he modeled his “moose” Pikes Peak hoodie.

Went shopping downtown for the first time in a long while to pick up a few Easter goodies. Pretty day. A lot of new stores since the pandemic, but a lot of old ones gone as well. Saw the site for the new Tattered Cover. It’s gonna be great. It’ll even have a bar, if the signage isn’t lying.

Did some grocery shopping for dinner, then took a nice stroll around the neighborhood.

All in all a pretty good day.