What goes around comes around...

Strange couple of days.

But that’s for another time.

Today, had an early rise and a solid day at the keyboard. Nearly finished with the newest short. If I don’t muff it, this might very well be one of the better pieces I’ve written in a while.

Put in a good workout at the gym this afternoon. The neck remains a problem, but the rotator cuff and bicep continue to improve. Starting to feel like my old self again.

Scouted some tile for the bath renovation. Found the stuff we want, but like everything else it’s going to depend on a very iffy supply chain. Demo starts next week, but pretty sure it’ll be months before the fixtures, door, etc. arrive. Not much you can do about it but shrug and keep going. So that’s the plan. Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky.

One story left in the N queue. Figure I’ll address it tomorrow.

Tonight? Baked potatoes and broccoli.