Spent the better part of the morning at the movies, something I don’t do very often. Had a nice time. Small crowd, good flick, hot popcorn.
Wrote for most of the afternoon, hoping to straighten out the mess of the story I’ve been dragging behind me for a month or more. Think I may have finally—knock wood—hit on the fix for it. Hope so.
Was a nice day today. Cool, but sunny. Lots of blue sky and only the occasional cloud. Supposed to be in the mid-seventies the next few days then turn cold again. Guess we’ll see.
Dryer’s been down almost a month now, but the supply chain’s supposed to have opened enough that we can expect its replacement on Wednesday. Been hanging the sheets out to dry, the way mom used to in the old days, and enjoying the results. The towels and t-shirts, less so.
Going in for my second shingles shot tomorrow. That pretty much takes care of all the important needlework I’ll need for a while.
Need to start thinking about yardwork soon.