Noticed I’ve been a little skimpy with the posts for a while. Not intentional by any means. Just more tired than usual by the time I get to working on them. That, and I’ve been leading a pretty sheltered life for a while.
Anyway, up before six today, and out to the keyboard early. Still paring a way on the newest short, but spent some time reading and researching, too.
Was looking forward to a good workout, but misplaced by key card somehow and never managed. Drove to the gym to see if some kindhearted soul might let me in, but the joint was empty so I drove home. Found the key later under the highback in the den. How it got there is anybody’s guess.
K off to Italy for a while. Hope she has a good trip. She’s been scratching at the door for months, and with any luck this will satisfy the wanderlust a while.
Gonna look for an early turn-in time tonight and a reset for tomorrow. A big day writing would be great.