Creeping closer...

Woke at 2:00 am last night and thought it was morning. The grandfather clock chimed three, then four, before I finally went to sleep. Not sure what that was about. Been feeling pretty well, and haven’t had anything particularly tragic on my mind, so who knows. Just getting old, I guess.

Put in a good day writing despite the lack of sleep, and feel like maybe I’ve found my groove again. Or a new groove. Whatever it is, I’ll take it.

Caught up with the boys a little before noon and had a nice long talk with them about Christmas, and of course their vacation in the Spanish Wells. Was good to see them healthy and happy and excited about the holidays.

Went out shopping this afternoon, and scored a couple of things for D and his dog. Gotta get working on the tree tomorrow. Haven’t had a hard workout at the gym, and look forward to that, too.

Tonight, trying a new pork chop recipe. Other than that, just looking to kick back and take it easy.