A child's garden of grass it ain't...

Weather warmed a little today, but it took a while. Was out to the cottage in good time and made the most of the near-early rise. Wrote for a while, answered a couple of pieces of correspondence, then went off to the gym to see if I could make something of this mostly lost week. Had the best workout I’ve had in days, and was thinking I’d turned a corner, but this afternoon’s long nap proved I still have work to do.

Made a trip to Maggie’s Farm late this afternoon looking for some medical chewables, but turned around and headed home when I saw the reception line. Never thought I’d find myself buying cannabis from a retail outlet, yet there I was. Funny where chronic pain will lead you. Hope to get up early and score when the queue is smaller. Keep myself rested until my Tuesday appointment with the orthopedic folks.