A got-up-late, never-got-going kind of Monday. Slept through the night, but not without being wakened by the neck a couple of times.
Worked on some story drafts early, then went off for a haircut and a brief session at the gym. Read from the McCartney book for a while when I got back.
Made an exploratory drive across town sometime after three to try and figure out where I’m being examined tomorrow. Eight o’clock appointment with the doc. Hope I come away with something useful.
Still mired, fighting each and every manuscript. Guess it’s the distraction of the neck pain, but whatever it is I need to push through it and start something new. I keep telling myself the pieces are getting clearer and tighter, but when I read them they seem to make less and less sense.
Been there before, so I know it will pass. But meanwhile it’s not much fun.