Closing in...

Felt like fall today. Crisp, overcast, trees shedding their leaves. Slept pretty well last night, despite the neck, and even woke a little later than usual.

Made decent progress on the new story, then headed off to gym, which mysteriously empties itself whenever it knows I’m coming. Only two other people there when I arrived.

Rode the bike, lifted, worked the heavy bag. It was all good.

Might go fishing tomorrow after my coffee with George O. We’ll see. It isn’t supposed to rain until later in the afternoon, and the temps ought to be perfect. If I do go, I’ll be heading back down to the Arkansas.

Took a short nap this afternoon. Naps have been the best sleep I’ve been getting in a while.

Finished with the Steinbeck Vietnam book. Did a comparative read alongside M. Herr’s Dispatches, and found it to be a terrible disappointment in many, many ways. Had to steep myself in Ray Carver and Denis Johnson afterward to try and cleanse the palate.

Good talk with my old friend, S, this morning. Nice, as always, catching up.