
Bad night’s sleep. Neck sore. Seeing the doc next week and hoping for a new PT prescription. Feels like it’s a referral from the surgically repaired shoulder. Anyway, up later than usual, though not too late, and off to the cottage for some drafting.

Worked out at home, skipping rope and lifting, then went ahead and planted the new burning bush and privet shrubs. Also got the lawn aerated, cut, and reseeded.

Spent the afternoon working through some family matters. After, finished my yard cleanup and showered.

Cool day, tempwise. I think it only made it into the seventies. Hope that’s a harbinger of things to come, though don’t want to be looking at any snow or hard freezes until I get the trees pruned and maybe see the grass seeds sprout.

Looking forward to a productive tomorrow. Teeth cleaning late in the afternoon, so I guess I’ll have to make the most of whatever the morning gives me.

Tonight, home-made bean soup.