Taking it as it comes...

Woke to cool temps and a clear sky. Nice way to start the day.

Wrote hard and fast on the new piece, then took some time off to help my buddy S. load landscaping stone from the back alley.

Worked out afterward, but stopped after the cardio set and came home to lift when the gym started filling up.

Read for a while when I got home and loafed otherwise, letting the afternoon slip by. Also put in some time cleaning the garage. Didn’t finish, but made some definite headway.

Was supposed to catch up with young Jack for a chess lesson tonight, but it didn’t happen owing to unexpected changes in schedule.

S. had her shingles shot today. Not feeling too bad. Arm’s sore, but doing well otherwise. Guess I’ll get mine later in the week.

Sent out a couple more queries tonight. We’ll see what happens.