Questions, answers, and the occasional riddle...

Still trying to figure out what happened to last night’s post. Internet’s been patchy at best the last couple of days, and for no decent reason. Might need to have this computer looked over, too.

Early rise to a nice morning. More blue skies. Put in a lot of work at the keyboard, then watched a little pre-season football.

Drove out to Whole Foods early afternoon to pick up some mussels, and few veggies. Home to work the kinks out of the synopsis.

Meant to cut the lawn today, but didn’t. Guess I’ll get around to it tomorrow.

Talked to my sis, M, for a while. Good to catch up. As for the rest of the day, it was lost and I’m not in the mood to go out looking for it. Happy to be where I am.

Hope to send a note to my agent tomorrow and let him know the ms’s available. After that, back to some short fiction for a while.

A pleasant Saturday, in all. Nice to be home alone not worrying about company.

More later.