Yeah. Back again.
Woke early, owing to the surgery, but made the most of the morning just the same. Put in some light revisions on the long manuscript and expect to finish it tomorrow. Saturday at the latest. Was surprised to find it needed as little help as it did, and hope to push it out the door sometime next week. Meanwhile, still trying to fight the good fight.
Had an abridged version of a workout today, avoiding any weights until I’m sure the stitches won’t rupture. Thought I might get back on it tomorrow, but we’ll have to see. Need to make an emergency run to the PO in Woodland park to see the passport papers processed.
Zoomed with the boys a while after Jack’s chess lesson this afternoon. Need to write them both a letter this weekend. Tonight? Same old, same old.
Had a good talk with my buddy S this afternoon.
Got a letter from my other buddy, B, this evening.
Good ways to end the day.