Neighbors home today from their summer-long camping trip. Place is jumping with kids again.
Put in some good work early on getting the synopsis in order. Did a little work on the new story, too, then headed out to the gym to try and blow off steam.
Drove Kit out to the vet to have his blood drawn, then came home and made a brief excursion to Starbucks for an iced tea. No word yet from the vet. Guess we won’t hear anything until tomorrow.
Have an early trip to Denver tomorrow, and not sure what time we’ll be back. Glad it’s Friday, and we’ll have the weekend to sort out whatever news we get.
Was my uncle’s 90th birthday yesterday. Left him a message. Today is Matty’s 5th, which is equally difficult to believe, though in a completely different way.
Weather still sucks, but don’t expect it to change anytime soon. Sounds as if we won’t see truly blue skies again until late September.