Putting in time around the house again. Getting everything in order before the boys come. Also taking the time to jettison a lot of clutter that’s accumulated over the past couple of years. Happy with the progress, but there’s still a lot do.
Got up early and noodled through the two new shorts I’ve been working on and have to say I’m hopeful about both of them. Be great if I could finish them up and get them in the mail before the first of July, but things happen when they happen.
Made a trip out to the oral surgeon, then looped around to Macy’s, then headed over to the west side to drop a few boxes at the Ark. Hit the grocery afterword to pick up fixings for a pot of potato leek soup.
Commercial work coming my way tomorrow, and that’s always good. Help defray the cost of the new sleeping bag!
Yesterday’s cool weather vanished by afternoon, and we’re staring in the face of another 90 degree week. Heard there’s rain in the forecast, but we’ll have to wait and see. Skies are smoky from the fires, the mountains hazed over. Hope the forest service can keep a lid on things. Kind of early to have the whole summer ruined.