Rowdy day after a crummy night’s sleep.
Got up early to meet my buddy, G, for coffee across town. Had a nice visit. His SYFY show is due to premier in about a month. Excited for him.
Went to work after I got home, getting in a few stray revisions. Wrote a blurb for my buddy S from the gym, too.
Worked out for the next hour and a half, then stopped by the grocery to pick up some things for dinner. Cooked a corned beef yesterday, figure to turn it into Reuben sandwiches tonight.
Close to finishing Fiskadoro. What a strange, but likable novel. Haven’t ready anything quite like it before from Johnson.
Temps are now solidly in the high nineties and low one hundreds. Heard Grand Junction was expected to hit 107 tomorrow. I know it’s going to happen—it always does—but I’m hoping like hell we make it through this heat wave without a fire.
Lots to do this week. Lots of catching up to do, too.