Didn’t sleep for a damn last night. Woke a little after two, and never quiet found the sweet spot afterward. Too much on the mind, I guess.
Went out to the cottage early and picked up where I’d been the day before. Made headway on a few fronts, then took a break and headed off for the gym.
Yard reconstruction is coming along. S picked up some new pots for the front, along with a million dollars worth of flowers. Looks like I’ve got some digging and edging in front of me before seed. Anyway, there’s no turning back now.
Lots of unanswered mail in front of me.
Need to shoot for an early rise and see if I can’t get some work done before the interruptions begin. Many goings on this week. Financial dude tomorrow, tree surgeon the day after, the doc the day after that. I see cutting, pruning, and poverty in the future!