Up early. Spent most of the day painting the front of the house. Wanted to get things prepped for the coming of the new rose bushes, and needed to clean up the bay window before planting. Ended up painting the entire architectural bump-out, but caved in part of the flower bed in the process. That’ll make for some interesting work tomorrow.
Didn’t get to the gym, but did get in some decent writing time this morning and a chance to look at some of the revisions I’ve been making.
Took a late afternoon jaunt to Starbucks, and spent some time in the park. Weather’s warmed up considerably from what it was last week. Not sure how hot it got, but standing on a ladder with the sun to your back wasn’t any picnic.
Like to get at least one of my new shorts out the door and into circulation this weekend. No big plans other than that.
Nice to see the sunshine again. World was feeling a little lost there for a while.