Worst night’s sleep in a long time. Couldn’t make it happen. Needless to say, an early rise.
Worked away at the novel revisions, happy with what I accomplished. Went to the gym early after a two-day hiatus, and got in a decent workout.
Weather pretty much the same as yesterday—overcast and breezy. The lawn is greening up nicely after after the rain and clouds, so here’s hoping I can keep it that way for a while.
Wish I could summon up a little more energy. Feels like I’ve been dragging ass for a week now. Been trying not to look too far into the future, and stick to what’s in front of me but one tactic seems to defeat the other.
Ten days until we see the boys. Wow. Hard to believe I’m even able to say that after all this time. The world keeps shrinking, doesn’t it?