Forecast: winter...

Dreary day. But we needed it. Mists all day with the promise of snow this evening. Forecast went from five inches to three with temps falling into the low thirties.

Covered all the flowers this afternoon, and moved the ones yet to be planted into the garage. Feel like we should do all right providing the snow doesn’t get too wet and heavy.

Good day on the short fiction front. Got to the end of the new story. Have the feeling it’s going to do all right out in the market. With three fresh ones behind me, I think I can get back to the novel. If not this week, then next.

Made it to the gym and got in a decent workout on the stair master, but forewent any heavy lifting after yesterday. Thought I’d give my arm a break.

Tree surgeon’s supposed to show tomorrow morning, but if the weather goes south I’m not counting on it. Expect to be up in the middle of the night brushing snow from the bushes.

Nice talk with my buddy, S this afternoon. Real nice.

Tomorrow, Kit goes in for more blood work. Curious to see what the meds have done for him.