The true gen...

Woke to a dusting of snow for the third day in a row. Not sure if we’re stuck in a pattern here, but things are supposed to warm up by Monday. Maybe even enough to put down the keyboard and head out to the Arkansas and get in some fishing.

More edits on the long ms this morning, then on to a few more N critiques. Took a break mid-afternoon to clean the house. Picked up some groceries after that, and killed a little time prepping dinner.

Caught up with my buddy S today, and had a nice chat. Helped smooth some things out for me. Got a lot on my mind. Good to be able to check in with someone who knows what he’s talking about.

Not sure what tomorrow’s supposed to bring, except the garbage men, but at the moment I’ll settle for that.

Missed working out today.

Bring on tomorrow.