I'm tired, and other observations...

Maybe it’s my imagination. Or maybe my circadian clock is off. Or maybe I’m just getting old and lazy, but this whole week’s been an exercise in near futility—I think.

That said, was up early at the keyboard working on the novel again, reimagining the diction in the sub-plot, hoping I can make it mirror the rest of the story a little more closely.

Worked hard till noon, then took a break and went to the gym. Much sloth there as well. Did a good half hour on the bike, but have been cautious about the weights until the arm feels better. Don’t think I did anything to compromise it, but after surgery, you can’t get that particular unpleasantness out of your head.

Quiet day otherwise.

Weather was cool, which kept the neighborhood kids inside, but the heavy equipment was still beep, beep, beeping away.