Well, the snow caught up with us. Got about five inches overnight. Wet stuff. Was worried about the locust tree in back that suffered the big hit last winter, but it was fine. No issues throwing the bolts we put it back together with, and no new branches down.
For all the accumulation, the sidewalks were wet but clear. In all, it turned out to be a good thing for the grass and trees.
Worked hard on finishing one of the new stories, but didn’t quite make it to the end. Soon, I hope. Had a couple of kitties in my lap, trying to speed the process, but in the end it had the opposite effect.
Put in some rehab today, and it felt pretty good. That is, the pain wasn’t bad and I learned a few new tricks along the way. Like to kick it into high gear, but still a bit hesitant fearing I might re-tear something. Guess it’ll all come in its own good time.
Talked to my old buddy S this afternoon. Been a while, and it was good to hear from him. Got a chance to swap some new war stories.
Also heard from the Belmont Review. They’ve accepted my piece, “Devotion.” Nice way to end the day.