Neighbors without borders...

Managed to get through the weekend unscathed, and back in the saddle early this morning. Figured to make hay before the rest of the world got up, but had my plans derailed by a couple of surveyors searching for a metal corner marker.

Won’t go into a long rant here, but there are certain people in this world who insist on making it hard on the rest of us, and at the moment—you know, a year into isolation and all— that sort of BS doesn’t play especially well. Our house is one hundred twenty-five years old. The neighborhood is even older. Looking to redraw boundary lines that have been here longer than the city’s sewer system so you can gain an extra foot of fence just doesn’t make you many friends.

Okay, enough.

On the bright side, had a nice walk this afternoon followed by brief but exciting FaceTime call from Jack, followed by a decent workout with the jumprope and weights. Everything comes to balance, I guess. Just not necessarily when you’re hoping for it.