Thinking ahead...

Another warm day, old snow melting away.

Was up to work early, but got distracted by machinery and voices. Neighbors were having their big old ponderosa removed after watching it die back the last couple of years. Sad to see it go. It had a twenty foot lightning scar that ran jagged down the east face of the trunk, and red tail hawks used the top limbs for a hunting roost. Not sure what caused its demise—old age, maybe—but its absence will leave a sad looking hole in the sky.

Made reservations today for our trip back to Pittsburgh. Gonna be late March, ten or so days after our second Covid shots. Boys don’t know yet. Figure to keep it a surprise until the last minute.

Have put in about as much time as I can stand on the new story. Taking a break from it tomorrow and redirecting my attention to the novel.

Not sure what sort of year the short fiction will yield, but so far it’s been slower than usual. Got a bunch of pieces out there close to a year in consideration.