Another later-than-usual rise. Chalk this one up to a halfway decent night’s sleep.
Spent some time with one of the short works, which seems to get shorter all the time and is now creeping into the territory of short-short. But that’s okay. Haven’t written a piece of flash fiction in some time, and this one’s begging to be brief.
Worked on some Christmas wrapping later, then went off to the gym to get some lifting in. Decided to forego the bike, as it’s been aggravating the neck, especially when I’m reading. Good policy, I think, at least until I have the MRI behind me. Tried again, unsuccessfully, to schedule an appointment with surgeon. Not sure what the glitch is in the system, but nobody seems to know who I’m being referred to, or when.
Wrote a little more when I got home, then begged off a trip to the store in favor of a nap.
Kit’s suddenly become reluctant to take his meds. I think maybe he’s not feeling well. Seems to be ignoring his food, too, though not entirely. Like to get him back into his routine.