Beginnings, middles, and ends...

Bit of a lazy morning. But not too lazy.

Up later than usual, but early to the keyboard with new revisions to the latest story. Thought I had it well in hand over the weekend, and did. It’s just that when the good stuff keeps coming, you don’t want to dismiss it because it might be even better than what you already have. Anyway, I’m close.

Took care of some housekeeping mid-morning, then went off to the gym where I put in a fairly decent workout. Later, went off to the bank (forgetting it’s a holiday) and the grocery store.

Weather was a little blustery today, but very pretty and full of fall. Feels like colder weather might be on the way, but no surprises there. Just happy the skies are blue and whatever fires are burning, they’re not burning here.

Need to spend some time catching up with submissions. Seems like I’ve let them slide lately.

Started the Doerr novel today.