Dinner at K’s last night, dinner at John and Karin’s tonight. More socializing that we’ve done in six months.
Got in more good revisions on the new novel this morning. Who knows, might have a reader draft before too much longer. Also close to having a reader draft for the new short I’ve been working on. Feels like things are coming along.
Weather people are predicting snow on Tuesday. Five to six inches. Hard to believe, given it’s ninety-one today, but there you have it. If it does happen, I just hope we rebound into a nice long Indian Summer. Last year’s early freeze took its toll on everything in the yard. Like to avoid that this time around.
Went to a movie today. Rented the theater for S’s birthday, and saw the new David Copperfield release. Nice way to spend a blistering afternoon.
Gotta give my uncle a call, see how he’s doing. Have a feeling tomorrow’s gonna be hectic. Gotta give my brother a call, too. Catch up on family business.