Up at the crack of dawn, strapped to the keyboard the entire day. Got the script out the door, but just barely when the client moved the presentation up by half an hour. Haven’t worked a project as massive as this on deadlines as short as this for longer than I can remember. Hope they pay fast.
Way behind on my correspondence, N reviews and everything else. Need to pick up a few more fishing supplies too, before I get on the plane. Can’t believe I’ll be in Pittsburgh the day after tomorrow.
Looking forward to getting few things done tomorrow, but tempering expectations with PT moved to the middle of the day. We’ll see what the morning brings. Might get lucky.
Wondering about D lately. Been forever since we’ve seen one another. Forever since I’ve seen anyone, come to think of it, but a helluva long time since he and I have even talked. Need to remedy that when I get back.
Nice day today, despite the smoke. Air was a little cleaner. More like fall.