Different kind of Monday.
Up early, wrote well on the new novel, then stood in on a shoot for a couple of old buddies. Didn’t manage the gym, or a nap, but made good headway on the research I’ll need for tomorrow’s script work. Got to talk to Jack and Matt on FaceTime, too. Their rods arrived today, and they’re looking forward to the weekend fishing trip we’ve got planned.
Proofs for two new stories also showed up in the mail. One for the San Antonio Review, the other for the Red Rock Review. Who knows, maybe things are taking a turn for the better.
A couple of N stories need to be written up in the next day or so, but the biggest part of the next couple of days is gonna be carved up for the video script. Good way to go into the week.
PT tomorrow. Arm’s feels better one day, useless the next. Don’t mind the pain, but want to get back to a decent workout routine again.
Beautiful fall day, or would’ve been if the smoke hadn’t been so bad. Still, colors are coming. So is snow.