Seeing it through...

Rose to smoky skies. The fires have gotten worse, and the haze they’ve caused is like nothing I’ve seen since the Waldo Canyon fire. At night, after the sun’s gone down, it looks like a city under a heavy mist.

Worked hard all morning on revisions, then went off on errands. Picked up furnace filters, ink cartridges for the printer. Stopped at Starbuck’s too, which I haven’t done for a while.

Gym was completely empty, so took all the liberties I could. Arm was sore again after last night, but figure it to be that way from here on in. Will settle for getting my strength and range of motion back.

Talked to my uncle for a long time tonight about Norman MacLean’s Young Men and Fire. Will try and find a copy for him, though will probably have to settle for an audio book as I can’t seem to locate a large print edition.

Going into the new week with a good attitude. Fingers crossed it pays off.