Over and over and over again...

Missed a post yesterday. Didn’t have any juice left after four hours on the phone with family members.

Went to be late, but got up early owing to some new pain the recovering arm. Nothing to get concerned with. Just rehab-related soreness.

Made good progress with the revisions on the new novel, working until 11:00, then went off to jog the stairs at the soccer field. Glad I got in a workout before the air went to hell. Both the Grizzly Creek and Pine Gulch fires are burning out of control. Sky’s been stained brown for days now.

Working through the ups and downs, looking for more consistency from myself. Six months into this pandemic, you’d think I would’ve landed on a routine. But not so. Only thing I’ve been able to count on is my time at the keyboard.

Tomorrow, right? Keep starting over. Reset, and try again.