the fractured order of things...

Lost track of the day. First time in a long time. Bad night’s sleep, too. Also the first time in a long time. Guess I was due on both counts.

A mix up in PT unexpectedly put my in the therapist’s office this morning. Was sad about losing the writing time, but happy with the progress I’ve made with range of motion. It isn’t much, but in this particular world, a little goes a long way.

Stuck around the gym afterward and got in some stair step time and a little bit of lifting. Heard talk of another shutdown. Hope for my buddy, Solomon’s sake, it isn’t true, but times and circumstances being what they are, anything and everything is possible.

No word on mom today other than her condition hasn’t changed. She’s still talking, though to no one in particular, and still oblivious to the commands of others. The hospital folks are now talking about “weeks and months” before knowing with any certainty what the outcome may be.

Dreary day all around. Rained late afternoon. Rejection slipped after two years, six days. Next year I’m disclosing the names of these places. I swear.