Glad to have this one behind. Up early, worrying about mom, then off to a tough session of PT. Good news is, everything turned out as hoped. Mom came through strong, and if all goes according to plan gets released tomorrow.
Put in some good time at the keyboard before therapy. Got in a halfway decent workout, too, and had a nice visit on the phone with young Matty before the afternoon drifted away.
Made a pot of leek and potato soup. Weather seemed to call for it. Been cold and damp all day.
Can’t say how much I’m looking forward to seeing the doc tomorrow. Wanna find out what kind of damage I’m carrying and see what the hell I can do to mitigate it. Meantime, it is what it is.
Lots of stuff up in the air. Got our hands out waiting for them to come down, but the going’s slow. Haven’t read anything interesting in the past couple of days. Maybe that’s got something to do with it.