Forging ahead with the new novel. Better, making progress—or whatever it is that passes for progress at this point.
Worked out early to avoid the heat. Good plan, and one to take into the future given the forecasts. Made a few phone calls after, including one to my uncle. Prospects of commercial work back on the radar. Hope some of it—any of it—comes through.
Made a brief trip to the storage unit to see what needs to be cleared. Not much. Wish my arm felt better, but determined to get everything out before things get complicated. Gym’s opening Monday, so maybe I can talk to my buddy Solomon and see if he’s willing to lend me a hand, lifting. There’s a desk in there that weighs more than my old rolltop, but doesn’t have a smidgen of the charm. Like to take a chainsaw and bucket of kerosene to it, but under the circumstances it’s probably ill-advised.
Long nap this afternoon. Been trying to fight off the fatigue, but that too is tiring. Gonna be damned disappointed if I find out it’s old age that’s doing this to me, not a torn rotator.
Dinner at K’s tomorrow night. Be good to get out of here for a while.