Hot one.
Up early working on the new novel, liking what’s there. Spending most of my time on structure, making sure the plot’s moving forward as it should, but addressing other details, too, along the way. Just trying to keep it smooth and efficient.
Got in an early workout, but tried not to press to much. Skipped a lot of rope, kept the lifting to a minimum.
No word from the doc’s office on the MRI. Will call tomorrow if they don’t beat me to it.
Throat’s raspy from the forest fires and heat. Nineties already, and it’s only mid-June. Ought to try and get out fishing before week’s end, but want to get the medical stuff in line before I disappear into the mountains.
Two new stories came in from N this afternoon. Haven’t read anything exciting for a while, so look forward to sitting down with them.
Been thinking a lot about Wyoming. Wondering what my chances are of getting up there. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
Funny. Got an email from an editor early this morning, unrejecting a rejection and telling me they loved the story. A glitch in the system. Anyway, nice to know. Fingers crossed it turns into a full-fledged acceptance.