An x-ray, an x-ray! My kingdom for an x-ray!

This is why expectations are pointless.

Woke early, was in front of the keyboard before six, managed two hours of decent writing, then watched the rest of the day implode.

Three hours plus on the phone with the health care idiots. First with tech, trying to get the patient portal to work, then with a parade of well-meaning, but mostly benighted underlings. Played advocate for myself in an attempt to get treatment for the arm, but without much success. Explained there was no point having a discussion unless we knew exactly what it was we were talking about, but rather than prescribe an X-ray or MRI—anything that might provide a picture of the injury— they recommended another round of teleconferencing. I hung up, called an orthopedic specialist on my own. We’ll see what comes of it. Supposed to hear back from them tomorrow.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same. False starts, wasted time. Nothing accomplished. Didn’t even get around to working out. Took a nap to try and forget about the pain, and it turned out to be the best decision I made since getting out of bed. Feeling better now, clear-headed anyway. Maybe I can salvage the evening.

Mom’s angiogram positive. She’s now looking at release sometime tomorrow with possible heart-valve surgery in two weeks. Fingers crossed she gets what she wants.