Early rise today. Not enough to beat the sun, but not bad. Put in some good work at the keyboard.
Spent some time working out, and think it helped the arm. Warmed it up anyway. Can’t say I did much the rest of the afternoon but lie around and read. Take a short nap before a firewood delivery truck came rumbling through the neighborhood raising hell.
Thought I might grill a couple of steaks tonight, but lost the ambition after the rain started. Figure to stay in and have grilled cheese sandwiches instead.
Got a note over a story submission. Editors letting me know the piece has made it to the top man. Making sure it’s still available. Watch, they’ll reject it in end!
Skies gray and weepy tonight. Hope it adds up to some serious moisture.
Young K across the street appears to be doing some home ministry. Long line of cars keeps coming and going. Masks, no masks. People of all shapes and sizes. Strange times, indeed.