Better night’s sleep last night. Arm backed off a little. Woke up fresh and got to work on the Philharmonic project. Pushed it out the door just before noon.
Got in a nice workout with some good rehab reps. Maybe I’ll get this thing in reasonable condition after all. Fingers crossed, right?
Wanted to go for a walk, but the day got hot and windy so opted for a short nap instead. After, showered and went off to the storage unit to take inventory of what stays and what needs to go. Gonna clean the place out by week’s end, have done with it once and for all.
Didn’t get to go fishing today, but maybe next week. No point pressing for the high country this weekend with a holiday going on. Done that before, and it was ugly.
John and Edie in concert tonight. Gonna catch the feed on TV this time. Looking forward to it. Should be a nice quiet evening.