Easy, easy...

All over the place today.

Up late last night. Couldn’t sleep. John Prine’s passing got to me. Went to bed later than I should, but still managed and early rise and some productive time at the keyboard.

Good to be busy.

Took a long walk around noon, then came home and worked a little more. FaceTimed with Matty.

Needed some odds and ends from the grocery store and went off in search of the despite my better judgment. Stood in line at the checkout counter behind an old woman who decided to argue over coupons and everything else under the sun. Came close to stealing her cane and beating her to death with it.

Took another walk when I got home. Beautiful day, so no reason not to.

Attitude’s good enough, but still haven’t managed to put a schedule together that works well with the stay at home orders. Nothing to do, I guess, but keep experimenting.

Jackie’s birthday tomorrow. Were supposed to be celebrating it here. Maybe next year.