Tore apart one of the short pieces I was working on an started over. Spent the morning drafting and reading. Found a new(er) short ”Warrior Jesus” by T.C. Boyle on the Narrative website. His work has a bite to it I can’t help loving. Made me think I need to pick up something else of his soon.
Got in a nice workout just before noon. Integrated bricks into the routine along with the jump rope, medicine ball and cargo straps. Not perfect by any means, but a challenge all its own.
Hit Costco later in the day and Lowe’s after that. Trying to collect all the lawn & garden stuff I need before the hot weather draws down on us.
Sprinkler guys came . System’s up and running again. Let’s see what it does for the lawn.
Heading down to the Arkansas tomorrow to do a little fishing. Looking forward to the drive as much as anything. Taking a box of streamers with me for fun, see if I can scare up something unusual.
Weather beautiful today. Windy later, but still nice. Looking for more of the same tomorrow.