Up early, but nothing to show for it. Not sure how I let the day slip by, but I did. Managed some edits on the new story, a short walk close to noon. Not much else.
Three new N pieces came in while I was napping. Read two, and saved the third for tomorrow.
Trying to map a new workout, but still haven’t nailed the logistics. Everything’s new now. Figured a way to hang straps from the interior garage door, which is a good start, and commandeered the mats we used to put beneath the boy’s pool for a floor cushion, but the whole deal’s still a work in progress.
Finished another essay in the New West writings. Some of the most enjoyable reading I’ve done in a long time.
Virus is picking up steam from what little I’ve read. Supposed to peak this month. We’ll see. Meanwhile, caution, forbearance and the rest.
Time to get back to the new novel.