Eyes wide open...

Guess I’m still running on Pennsylvania time. Up early after a good night’s sleep, and off to the cottage to work. Plugged away at the long piece, crossing the forty-thousand word mark just around noon.

Hit the gym early and had a nice workout. Place was dead for the most part, owing to what I don’t know. Just happy to be back at it.

Met my buddy George at the Broadmoor for a beer and a nice chat. He’s on his way with his new TV show, and I’m excited for him. Sounds as if he’ll be shooting in a month or two, in Labrador and Nova Scotia. Invited me up to have a look. We’ll see.

Got an acceptance slip from Waymark Literary Magazine (Kennesaw State University) this evening. Two in a week. Wow. Maybe things are going to move a little more quickly this year.

No big plans for the evening. Gonna hang back, rest, and look to see what we can do about shaking these colds.

New Coronavirus case reported, first in El Paso County. Like to believe they’re going to contain this mess, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, keep plugging.