Side benefits of having lived a full week on eastern time—a five o’clock rise. Out of bed and out to the cottage for a long spell at the keyboard, composing. Still no easy feat, but the draft time feels stronger and more concentrated this go round. Hope I’m right about that.
Worked revisions on a couple of short pieces before leaving for the gym. Started in on a new N story, too.
Called the lovely folks at the medical office to try and get a read on the cost of the surgery and was given the run around. Not even a ballpark. They didn’t seem to understand my reluctance to sign on knowing I would only be charged, at most, 20 percent of the total cost. I tried to point out that 20 percent of two hundred would be perfectly acceptable, while 20 percent of, say, five hundred thousand wouldn’t. They still wouldn’t throw out a number. We’ll see what happens next.
Good day at the gym. Light traffic again, which always makes for an easier workout. Glad to be back in the swing, though I can tell the difference after the six day layoff.
Pretty day. Wish now I’d gotten out to see a little more of it.
Text from my buddy, G, who’s back in town. Gonna meet for a drink at the Broadmoor on Friday and catch up on his doings back in LA.